
Ssl duende native activation code
Ssl duende native activation code

ssl duende native activation code


You should add SAND into your test, it's got something going for it the others are lacking BUT due to workflow, CPU demands and slow loading times I'll sacrifice that 10% better sound (in some cases) and stick with my favored algo plug ins (if they sold the sand bus comp cheaper/seperately for around £50 I might bite though as its really punchy, open and full sounding while most plugs collapse in a bit or get a bit hazy when pushed) You can't hear that? ok.ĭuende to me when pushed hard is a little more grabby and punchy. I can tell from when I've had hardware 1176s vs plug-ins that, in many cases, I could easily tell the hardware simply from the conversion trip and the 'damage' it did in some areas (while being consistently better in other areas vs plugs), so it was six of one and half a dozen of the others. I've got nothing against hardware, or against plugs, they both do a job. Not sure you'll ever get what I'm getting at here but there's more to preference than someone else's blind tests (no matter how often they post them to prove waves are decent). And waves is always at the bottom of the pile (more so on mix bus than drum bus) cos of the harsh/narrowing effect it has when a FULL bodied mix is driven through it (not some wimpy test track or isolated thing).

ssl duende native activation code

IK, Duende, Waves, slate, SAND (Acustica's new one), The Glue, and N.I, No I can't spot them all 'blind' but I can tell which I prefer - CONSISTENTLY.

ssl duende native activation code

I can tell differences on Drum bus and mix bus between: How can you just put out a (pretty crappy sounding if honest) test musak track like that that sounds thin, wimpy and is hardly even pushing the comps then expect others to magically tell what is a crap plug, a good plug or hardware? It doesn't work like that in the real world and you seriously need to let this pet subject of yours go, you've been banging on about it for years. Most people who've already tested these things themselves, on their own mixes, in their own environments, on their own gear with their owm aims/results CAN indeed tell differences between plug-ins (I'm not even talking about hardware here though I can tell the difference when it's me who's set it up AND blind tested it - how can you expect others to know?). Because most have already taken time to do this themselves with known material where differences can be easily spotted due to how intimate you are with the mix. I mean you barely pushed them and the test track was not ideal material for SSL bus/drum bus test - get a really hard hitting drum track and push that mofo then try out yer precious waves - argh.ī.

ssl duende native activation code

Because blind tests set up by people out to prove a point are always biased towards NOT showing where the 'better' option could excell. Why are you always trying to prove a point around here? the only point you are proving is that you don't have evolved enough hearing, sorry.Īlso, NO ONE? could tell which was hardware? or was it more like THOSE WHO DECIDED TO POST couldn't tell which one was hardware? How do you know about the thousands who may have listened and decided it wasn't worth their time:Ī. I put the plugins with the hardware and no one could tell which is which.

Ssl duende native activation code